Are You Making the Most of Your Dealership’s Profitability?

Take a look at key areas like management, processes, technology and more in this quick self-assessment to find where you excel and identify opportunities for growth.

You’re 5 Minutes Away from Your Dealership Profitability Score

Now that you know how to leverage F&I to maximize your dealership’s profit potential, take this quick self-assessment to find out if you’ve got the processes in place to make it happen.

In this easy-to-use checklist, we break down the key questions you need to ask to help make informed decisions to support your dealership’s goals. With a simple yes or no format, we’ll calculate your responses and provide some insights on how to elevate your business starting now.

What You’ll Find Inside

Keeping to the themes we identified to help generate revenue across the dealership through F&I, we offer up 21 questions on topics like:

  • Dealership Management

  • Cross-Department Collaboration

  • Talent and Training

  • Performance Measurement

  • Technology and Digital Retail

  • Strategic Partners

Based on your responses, you’ll receive an overall score along with options to enhance your dealership’s performance, find revenue opportunities and create a more well-rounded experience for your staff and customers.

The next evolution of your dealership starts now.